Victoria Club

Dress Code

The manner of dress shall be governed by good taste and be in keeping with the character of a private club.  Members and guests are expected to wear neat attire appropriate to the various areas of the club.

These rules are established to assist our members in understanding the decorum, respectable conduct, and expectations of membership at Victoria Club. Members are expected to thoroughly familiarize themselves, their children, and their guests with these rules. The management of the club is authorized and obligated to enforce these rules. The General Manager shall have the discretion to relax the dress rules for special events, costume parties or specified functions.

The requirements for specific areas of the property are as follows:

The following attire is NOT permitted on the property at any time:

  • Concert, novelty, slogan, political or offensive T-shirts
  • T-shirts intended to be undergarments
  • Torn or ragged clothing of any kind
  • Tube tops/bare midriffs (Ladies) except in pool area
  • Tank tops or muscle shirts (gentlemen) except in workout or pool area
  • Short shorts or coaches shorts except in pool area
  • Baggy or frayed shorts of any length or fabric
  • Cargo shorts or pants with outside protruding pockets.


Appropriate Golf attire and shoes are required of players and spectators and is defined as follows:

Proper golf shoes (no metal spikes) or other athletic-type shoes are required on the course, practice range and putting greens. No street shoes or bare feet allowed.

Denim attire is not permitted.

Golf hats or visors must be worn with the brim/bill forward.

Cargo shorts or cargo pants with outside protruding pockets are not permitted.


  • Collared shirts or “mock” collared shirts. All shirts must be tucked in at all times
  • Tailored golf slacks or shorts no shorter than 5” above mid knee


  • Shirts must have either a collar/ “mock” collar or sleeves or both and should be long enough to cover the belt line when at rest.
  • Golf skirts, skirts or shorts shall be no shorter than the length of one’s fingertips when standing.
  • Midriffs, halters, or tank tops are not permitted.


Prior to 5:00 p.m. appropriate golf or tennis attire is acceptable. Golf and tennis shirts must be tucked in. Other casual shirts must be tucked in unless they are a straight-cut style or specifically tailored to be worn un-tucked.

After 5:00 on any night, appropriate business casual attire is required. On Friday nights between November and June, gentlemen are requested to wear suit jackets or sport coats.

The following items are not permitted in the Main Dining Room:

  • Golf Shoes
  • Golf hats (gentlemen and ladies)
  • Flip Flops (adults and children)
  • Medical scrubs


Appropriate golf, tennis attire, fitness attire and appropriate denim* are acceptable. Golf and tennis shirts must be tucked in. Other casual shirts must be tucked in unless they are a straight-cut style or one which is designed to be worn un-tucked. Gentlemen and ladies golf hats are permitted only on the patio with the brim forward. Swimsuit cover-ups and flip flops are not allowed on the main floor on adults or children.

*Appropriate denim for Victoria Club is defined as in good repair, uniform in color, clean, with proper cut and fit, free from tears, frayed cuffs, and any holes.


Appropriate tennis attire designed specifically for tennis is required, including shoes. Gentlemen must wear shirts with sleeves.


For the safety of members, appropriate exercise attire is required at all times. Shirts must be worn as well as proper athletic footwear. No flip flops are permitted.


Swimming attire is allowed only in the pool and locker room areas. Flip Flops are permitted in these areas only.  Denim is allowed in the pool area only, not on the putting greens. Thong-style swimsuits are not permitted.


Members observing an infraction of these rules are requested to inform the Club management.  It is the responsibility of the Club management staff to approach members or guests in violation of the Dress Code.

The member and/or guest will be given a card informing them of the violation, but depending on the severity of the violation, may be allowed to stay.

  • First Infraction: The member shall be sent an unsigned informational letter from the House Committee which includes a copy of the Victoria Club Dress Code.
  • Second Infraction: The member shall be sent a signed letter from the Board of Directors which will warn the member that any future infraction will result in suspension of Club privileges.
  • Third Infraction: The member shall be sent a letter from the Board of Directors suspending club privileges for a period determined by the Board of Directors.

All outside events/bookings, golf tournaments, tennis tournaments and other special events must comply with the Victoria Club Dress Code. Management will provide event sponsors with the Victoria Club Dress Code and will direct sponsors to inform their guests and participants. Event sponsors will be held responsible for infractions of the dress code by their guests.

Signed and dated.
